Sunday, June 20, 2010

Analysis of Malay Ghosts- why are they created?

A common similarity amongst all malay ghosts is that several, if not a overwhelming majority of the Malay ghosts attack women, especially virgins or pregnant women. The origin of the ghosts is similarly related : The Pontianak failing in childbirth, attacking other women bearing child. The Penanggalan is supposedly the result of a woman wishing to stay beautiful forever, and thus through the use of black magic, haunts the towns at night looking for human flesh and blood.
It could be argued that these stories were based upon the fundamental Malay societal values, of which includes patience and morality. It could be argued that these stories were written for the same purpose as Aesop’s Fables : to bring across a message in the most subtle way possible. For instance, the story of the Pontianak could have served as a warning to pregnant women to keep themselves safe during pregnancy. The stories seem to look down , if not, warn women about the horrible consequences of being greedy or being careless.
In comparison to other ghosts, commonly of European or Asian origin, the other ghosts could not be easily explained as most of them would entail the sighting of a particular figure in a photo – only after the photo is developed. The usual background behind these ghosts were that they were the spirits of people who had died an untimely death, as compared to Malay Ghosts, which exist in multitude. As such, it could be argued that although the existence of ghosts is to be speculated, Malay Ghosts seem to be a means to serve as a warning to women to keep themselves safe and the follow traditional Malay Values.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Group Task #1

Group Task #1: Find myths and ghost stories during the CNY period.

Although our group has kept this task in mind during the Chinese New Year period, we met with an obstacle: Traditional Chinese thinking. Our elder relatives believed that it would be inauspicious to talk about ghosts and the such during Chinese New Year. Furthermore Ryan's extended family has met with some deaths, thus not engaging with his relatives this year. My condolences to his family.

However, we managed to get some myths from our younger relatives. For example, a myth that originated in the primary School of my aunt (Jiemin Primary School), which revolved around the school during PRIME reconstruction works. One of these myths was a out-of-place dressing mirror in the newly constructed and dark fourth floor, which supposedly showed no reflections when one looked into it. Another myth was that the entire school was built on a cemetery during World War II, with red bricks found in the field that , according to a school senior, was used to mark the graves of unidentified deceased, usually the Malay soldiers who died in fighting the Japanese and the victims in Operation Sook Ching.

We also heard myths originating from Kebun Baru Primary School, which , although it being closed down, continues to stand vacant. Myths include a unusual reddish patch at the top of one of the slopes on the East side being a site of a supposed student suicide.

Ryan also heard from his friends, that in their school, there would be people playing in the Basketball court at night, although no-one could be seen.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Second meeting - Minutes.

Bibliotherapy is rejected, main topic shall be Mythology in Modern culture
  • too broad, reduced to Singaporean culture.

A need for critical readings, (function of myths) , elements of myths, what functions do Myths serve in society and what , exactly, constitutes a story as a myth?

  1. Ghost story / Myth - Conduct oral interviews.

Field research – Other option is to do ghost stories . Elements of ghost stories (eg. Gothic_) what function do they have?

Authenticity to collecting ghost stories, oral histories etc. Pen them down – lot of things are lost if they are not recorded , etc.Myth or Ghost Story? Where is the gothic element? What are oral histories? Next stage- collection of stories via interview with schoolmates and family etc. Talk to older audience ( longer histories etc.) Elements of culture in these stories. EG. MIRROR GHOST. Elab . How best to put it on paper? Embellishment and accuracy – how? Can we write? Source for someone who can write well. Find at all costs , etc. 4 people is necessary.
Recommendation : Matthew Lee- .. unlikely. Matthew plans to join Russell's group.

Conduct interviews with relative, friends. Start with research.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Meeting- Minutes

First meeting @ 2 Feb 2010
Minutes (Brief description)
  • Consulted mentor, who (kindly) agreed to help us =)
  • Noetic Science project removed from 3 choices. 2 available choices for Project's Day are "Mythology in Modern Culture" and "Bibliotherapy", both of which, are Joshua's ideas.
On "Mythology in Modern Culture"

  1. Do a report to give a good impression to the judges.
  2. Find differences between Horror Stories and Myths - key word: Horror.
  3. Book Binding- One draft by Semi-Finals, One by Finals. Will try to ask for comments from students. If possible,a sale will be held.
  4. Different focuses for different types of mythology. Example: For Greek Mythology, focus will be on how it "explains the world".
  1. Contact schools in advance
  2. Interview counsellors
  3. Scout for books at Kinokuniya, Borders, etc.
  4. Try and test bibliotherapy out by implementing it in primary school of choice.